Town of Quispamsis Town Hall: 12 Landing Court
The following information and more can be found on the Town’s website:
Traffic Advisories: New Brunswick 511
NB Power: Welcome Page & Outages Map
(Account Change Over: or call toll-free 1-800-663-6272)
New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization
Telephone: (506) 453-2133 / Toll-free 24 Hour line: 1-800-561-4034
Kennebecasis Regional Police Force
126 Millennium Dr, Quispamsis
Station 2 - 12 Civic Drive, Quispamsis
Station 1 - 7 Campbell Drive, Rothesay
The Kennebecasis Valley Firefighters Association sells white civic numbers on aluminum plates with a blue reflective background. Signs come in three different sizes (depending on your street number) and have proven to be a great asset to emergency crews trying to find an address, especially after dark. Cost: $20 per sign, made at Fire Station (1 Campbell Drive) as you wait.
Country View Estates - Mondays
Fernwood Park - Thursdays
Online Calendar & Wizard (phone app available to download with weekly reminders)
Fero Waste & Recycling provides collection for garbage, compost & recycling. For issues with your collection or call 652-3376.
Large items: Maximum 3 large household items per garbage collection. Maximum 25kg each.
For recycling boxes, call the Town office at 849-5778.
To order a compost cart or request a repair click here.
You can contact or visit Service New Brunswick (1-888-762-8600 or to update your driver's license, Medicare, etc.
Please contact Canada Post at 1-800-267-1155 to register your new address, request your postal code and arrange mail delivery.
Dogs and cats are required by municipal bylaw to be licensed annually by the Town of Quispamsis. Licenses can be purchased at Town Hall. Losing your dog or cat can be a traumatic experience but a town tag ensures that, if your dog or cat is lost, it can be returned to you.
The NBSPCA has been awarded the Animal Control Contract for the Town of Quispamsis as of Oct. 1, 2020. If you find a lost animal or are trying to locate one, please contact them at 1-877-722-1522.
Quispamsis has an Off Leash Dog Park near both Country View Estates and Fernwood Park.
Check back soon as we work to populate this section, or reach us at
The province recommends that everyone chlorinate your well once per year, in the spring or fall, and after extended periods of non-use. Chlorination, or "well shocking", refers to the process of flushing your well and water system with a chlorine solution (like Javex). In addition to neutralizing potentially harmful bacteria, chlorination may be used to temporarily eliminate hydrogen sulfide (or "rotten egg") odours or to remove iron and manganese build-up. The province has a couple of helpful publications:
The province also recommends that everyone should regularly monitor their well quality by having their water tested twice a year, after the spring thaw and late summer/fall.
There are 2 options for getting your well water tested:
Aztech Lab Inc. is a local laboratory located at 1 Pleasant Ave. in Quispamsis. Their website also has an informative FAQ page.
Merlin Drive, Quispamsis, New Brunswick E2E 3T7, Canada